Summer’s on its way. Last year was scorching and this year – with less snowfall in the Okanagan – things might be even hotter and drier. Is your home or commercial property ready? Have you considered upgrading your A/C and helping the environment at the same time?
Our experts at GPH Mechanical know all about the latest advances and incentives in energy-efficiency air conditioning.

Solar Power for A/C

Air conditioning gives a welcome escape from the harsh effects of the sun. Interestingly, that same solar heat can be transformed into energy to run your A/C unit. With rising gas prices, cooling all indoor spaces will likely increase your energy bill significantly. Now solar polar is an economically and environmentally-friendly option.

Pros of Solar A/C

  • Reduces your environmental footprint by reducing CO2 emissions
  • Saves on utility bills
  • Potential to apply solar energy for other household needs
  • Avoids impact of a power-supply disruption, particularly during extreme weather events
  • Rebates!

Cons of Solar A/C

  • Requires setup of solar energy
  • hardware in your home or business
  • Hardware system choices are confusingly plentiful (DC, AC, or hybrid)
  • Higher upfront installation costs than a traditional A/C unit
  • Needs backup power capacity or on-grid options during inclement weather conditions

BC Government Incentives

The good news? BC now has a rebate program focusing on the installation of heat pumps for a home’s A/C needs. Solar powered heat pump systems are available, so there are interesting design alternatives, energy efficiencies, and financial incentives to consider. Under BC Hydro’s Power Smart program, property owners may be eligible for up to $7,000 in rebates when installing a new heat pump for their heating and cooling needs.
AC units connected to the residential house

If you would like more information on converting your home or commercial property to solar powered air conditioning or other heat pump products, call the HVAC experts at GPH Mechanical today.